One on One readings. Readings are 7-10 years down the track and as far back as your family tree can go.
Readings are done via the internet, or face-time. Once you send a photo with your eyes clear to the camera then the reading will be done within 24 hours and contacted for your time slot.
Once the regarding is paid for. You need to send a photo with eyes clear. You will be sent an email with detail and questions for you to ask once done. When email answers are finished and sent the reading has ended.
Poppet kits are used to banish or protect from harm, people, and situations. Please use carefully what you put out there comes back three fold.
Cleansing kits are designed to balance and protect your home, office or apartment. Use instructions to create and protect.
Corn dolls are designed to bring in the harvest. You can also use them to hang near your front door to bring in money and prosperity into your home
Hang your broom stick across your threshold. These broomsticks are designed to protect and sweep out any negativity or situations in and around your home. If the bell rings you have energy in your home.